Morganton TAASC
The American Adventure Service Corps

The accomplishments of our TAASC members are far too many to list on one Web page. Below is a list of accomplishments both large and small that our members have completed over the years. Every one of these has presented the members participating with challenges that built teamwork self-esteem.
400-mile canoe trip raises $3,000 for Habitat for Humanity
TAASC youngers members climb 600-foot face of Table Rock
Climbers with disabilities scale 600-foot rock face
TAASC youngers members prusik 600-foot rope
The American Adventure Service Corps conducts 75,000-foot Climb-a-thon to raise $4,000 for Nature Conservancy to help save Jocassee Gorge’s wilderness area
TAASC youngers members backpack 14 miles
300-mile Broad River Expedition raises $3,000 for flood victims in eastern NC
The American Adventure Service Corps has been on the scene and assisted with four flood disaster relief efforts
Annual 4-day/50-mile backpack trips to Appalachian Trail
1999 Keele River Expedition – 320-mile canoe expedition near Arctic Circle
Sierra Nevada Range – 80-mile mountaineering trip
The American Adventure Service Corps members climb in Yosemite Valley
Wind River Range, Wyoming – regular mountaineering trips
5th Annual Wilderness First Aid Course completed
2000 Nahanni River Expedition