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Service to Others

The development of a positive service ethic is one of the major objectives of The American Adventure Service Corps. By engaging in creative service projects, members foster a greater willingness to help others different from themselves. Immediately after the devastating January 1998 flood in the mountains of western North Carolina, The American Adventure Service Corps assisted in clean-up and recovery efforts in various communities. After the September 1999 flood in eastern North Carolina, The American Adventure Service Corps members and parents helped distribute clothing and food to the families who lost their homes. Service projects like these provide The American Adventure Service 



Corps members opportunities to directly interface with victims of natural disasters and lend a hand. Compassion for others is one of the results of the service activities. Working together with climbers with disabilities, abandoning a wheel chair, and teaching them to rock climb by utilizing special techniques has been an ongoing theme with the original American Adventure Service Corps unit. One trip resulted in climbers with disabilities from all over the United States scaling a 600-foot rock face.


Past fundraisers have included a 400-mile canoe trip, in stages, from the mountains to the sea to raise awareness and money for Habitat for Humanity. Another one raised funds for the Nature Conservancy to save a wilderness area. The American Adventure Service Corps youth members obtained pledges and staged a 75,000-foot climb-a-thon, with some members climbing 6,000 feet in one day.

Many other service projects like river clean-up days, helping mountain families with farm chores, and teaching people with disabilities how to kayak, add up to a long list of annual, dynamic opportunities for youth to develop strong service ethics.

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